Wedding and Birthday Cakes Brighton

When you think of Cakes what do you think of?  That’s right, Birthday Cakes and Wedding cakes.  In Brighton we specialise in crafting both of these delectable delights of the baking world.

Every time some one has a birthday there is always the ceremony of a cake guaranteeing you at least one sponge per calendar year.  Wedding Cakes are also a big thing in Brighton, and around the world.  When you attend a wedding one of the biggest song and dances is performed around the cutting of the cake.

Wedding Cakes Brighton

The ritual of cutting the wedding cakes stems back to the early origins of weddings.  It was intended as a task for the ‘bride only’ to complete.  The Bride would cut up the cake and distribute it amongst the guests so that the whole cake was consumed.  This was meant to symbolise the fertility of the woman.  Something that hasn’t changed is that the first pieces of cake were to be consumed by the Bride and Groom.  Again this is a very symbolic act demonstrating the union between the new Husband and Wife.

However as Weddings grew, the wedding cakes needed to be larger as there were more guests in attendance.  This introduced cakes with more and more layers, and as the base layer was quite dense it became harder and harder for one person to cut, hence the introduction of the Groom into the “Cutting of the Cake” ceremony.

Birthday Cakes Brighton

Birthday Cakes are another type of cake that have a bit of a ceremony attached to them, which is why we’ve developed great skills in crafting Birthday Cakes in Brighton.

The origin of the birthday cake stretches all the way back to Ancient Rome and is steeped in History.  Originally it was only in wealthy families where a cake was presented to the person who’s birthday it was.  However as society developed and the gap between the gentry and the general populace reduced, birthday Cakes exploded into popularity all through the classes.

And today both these enduring traditions of cake celebration are prevalent throughout society.

So whether its Wedding Cakes Brighton or Birthday Cakes Brighton.

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